The Eighth Man

Midwest Regional Championship

Date: 11/8/2014
Location: Allendale, Michigan

Pool A
Blue Mountain Quidditch Club 120* – 30 Purdue University (22:15)
Northwestern University 110* – 60 Illinois (21:22)
University of Kansas 150* – 10 Purdue University (20:10)
Blue Mountain Quidditch Club 130* – 10 Illinois
University of Kansas 130 – 50* Illinois
Blue Mountain Quidditch Club 200* – 20 Northwestern University
University of Kansas 90* – 10 Blue Mountain Quidditch Club
Purdue 160 – 40* Illinois
University of Kansas 180 – 70* Northwestern University

Pool A Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 University of Kansas 4-0 +390
2 Blue Mountain Quidditch Club 3-1 +220
3 Northwestern University 1-2 -220
4 Purdue University 1-2 -50
5 Illinois 0-4 -340

Pool B
Michigan State University 90 – 50* Falcon Warriors (22:06)
Marquette University 190* – 10 Southern Indiana
University of Minnesota 90 – 70* Falcon Warriors
Michigan State University 200* – 10 Southern Indiana
University of Minnesota 80* – 70 Michigan State University (18:58)
Marquette University 120* – 50 Falcon Warriors
University of Minnesota 210* – 10 Southern Indiana
Marquette 90* – 70 Michigan State University
University of Minnesota 130* – 80 Marquette University
Falcon Warriors 170* – University of South Indiana 80

Pool B Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 University of Minnesota 4-0 +170
2 Marquette University 3-1 +150
3 Michigan State University 2-2 +220
4 Falcon Warriors 1-3 -100
5 Southern Indiana 0-4 -420


Pool C
Ball State University 160* – 10 Wooster University (21:59)
University of Michigan 130 – 50* Southern Illinois University
Might Bucks 80* – 70 Wooster University (19:05)
University of Michigan 130* – 110 Ball State University (21:05)
Ball State University 110* – 40 Southern Illinois
University of Michigan 220* – 20 Might Bucks
Wooster University 70* – 40 Southern Illinois
University of Michigan 200* – 40 Wooster University
Southern Illinois University 110* – 70 Mighty Bucks

Pool C Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 University of Michigan 4-0 +340
2 Ball State University 2-1 +170
3 Might Bucks 1-2 -150
4 Wooster University 1-3 -220
5 Southern Illinois University 1-3 -140


Pool D
Central Michigan 160 – 100* Crimson Warhawks (22:56)
Miami University 190* – 70 Illinois State University
Crimson Warhawks 170* – 60 Loyola University Chicago (25:36)
Central Michigan University 120 – 70* Illinois State University
Miami University 140 – 60* Loyola University Chicago
Crimson Warhawks 130* – 110 Illinois State
Central Michigan University 150* – 30 Miami University (20:27)
Central Michigan University 120 – 60* Loyola University of Chicago
Illinois State University 150* – 30 Loyola University Chicago

Pool D Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 Central Michigan University 4-0 +350
2 Miami University 2-1 +110
3 Crimson Warhawks 2-1 -20
4 Illinois State University 1-3 -70
5 Loyola University Chicago 0-4 -370


Pool E
Ohio State University 150* – 30 Iowa State (20:52)
University of Missouri 60 – 50* Indiana (20:07)
Eastern Michigan University 80* – 60 Iowa State University
Ohio State University 130* – 0 Indiana
Ohio State University 140* – 10 Eastern Michigan University
University of Missouri 130* – 30 Iowa State University
Indiana 100* – 70 Eastern Michigan University
Ohio State University 120* – 50 University of Missouri
Indiana 160 – 80* Iowa State University
University of Missouri 100 – 70* Eastern Michigan University

Pool E Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 Ohio State University 4-0 +330
2 University of Missouri 3-1 +130
3 Indiana 2-2 -10
4 Eastern Michigan University 1-3 -170
5 Iowa State 0-4 -270


Pool F
Bowling Green State University 130* – 10 Grand Valley State University (23:22)
Ohio University 120* – 30 Spartan Spitfire (18:10)
Bowling Green State University 130 – 40* Spartan Spitfires
Grand Valley State University 120* – 50 TC Frost
Grand Valley State University 160* – 140 Ohio University
TC Frost 130* – 20 Spartan Spitfires
Bowling Green State University 130* – 30 TC Frost
Bowling Green State University 140 – 50* Ohio University
Ohio University  90* – TC Frost 50

Pool F Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 Bowling Green State University 4-0 +400
2 Grand Valley State University 2-1 -60
3 University of Ohio 2-2 -40
4 TC Frost 1-3 -40
5 Spartan Spitfires 0-3 -260


Pool Play Standings
Rank Team Record QPD
1 Bowling Green State University 4-0 +400
2 University of Kansas 4-0 +390
3 Central Michigan University 4-0 +350
4 University of Michigan 4-0 +340
5 Ohio State University 4-0 +330
6 University of Minnesota 4-0 +170
7 Blue Mountain Quidditch Club 3-1 +220
8 Marquette University 3-1 +150
9 University of Missouri 3-1 +130
10 Ball State University 2-1 +170
11 Miami University 2-1 +110
12 Crimson Warhawks 2-1 -20
13 Grand Valley State University 2-1 -60
14 Michigan State University 2-2 +220
15 Indiana 2-2 -10
16 University of Ohio 2-2 -40
17 Purdue University 1-2 -50
18 Eastern Michigan University 1-2 -110
19 Might Bucks 1-2 -150
20 Northwestern University 1-2 -220
21 TC Frost 1-3 -40
22 Illinois State University 1-3 -70
23 Falcon Warriors 1-3 -100
24 Southern Illinois University 1-3 -140
25 Wooster University 1-3 -220
26 Iowa State 0-3 -150
27 Spartan Spitfires 0-3 -260
28 Illinois 0-4 -340
29 Loyola University Chicago 0-4 -370
30 Southern Indiana 0-4 -420